Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here is where you can find our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find an answer to the question you have, contact us!


What is your Return Policy?

Our return policy states that an order can be cancelled within 5 days of the order being placed with no charge. After that period, returns cannot be guaranteed because the product will be in transit towards its destination.

Returns that need to be made due to damaged or missing items will be processed through our email. In the report of the damaged or missing items, please be sure to include photos of the package you received and all the items you received. We will be glad to work with you to create the best outcome.


How long will my refund take?

Your refund for any returns that have been processed should take from 5-8 days to be received. 


How long does shipping and processing take?

Processing orders take about 5 days from when the order was placed, depending on how large your order may be. We take time to package and process the orders to ensure that there are no issues, and it allows time for any possible cancellations. Shipping typically takes about 5-8 days from the time of shipment. 


Why is my order late?

We are a new, family-run small business, so shipping and processing times won't always be exact. Please be patient with us, and for any orders that may need to be rushed, feel free to contact us about your order.


Contact us below for any questions you may have that aren't found here.

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